GET NOTICED with the Lake Area Chamber

Our Lake Area Chamber of Commerce provides a TON of perks for our members. Among the long list of benefits, helping to get your business noticed is one of the major ones. That's what this week's blog is all about and we encourage all members to take advantage of the various ways our chamber can help your business get noticed!


The Lake Area Chamber is honored to have the opportunity to refer a variety of businesses to visitors and residents of the lake area. This is a benefit to our members, we ONLY refer Chamber Members. We not only receive in person inquiries of where to stay, where to eat, what to do, but also receive numerous phone and email requests for information on activities and relocating to the lake, as well as inquiries from business owners moving to the Lake.

  • The Lake Area Chamber distributed over 4,000 copies of the 2016 Business Directory
  • 237 Vacation Mailing Packets were mailed in 2016


Upon request, our Chamber conducts ground breaking/ribbon cutting ceremonies for a variety of “milestone” events. Whether it’s a new, expanding or moving business or one that has taken over new ownership, a chamber ribbon cutting is available. After each ribbon cutting, you will receive a news release, prepared by our Marketing Coordinator, which is sent to media outlets across the Lake and in the major metro areas surrounding the Lake of the Ozarks. This is a great opportunity for us to help you get the exciting word out to our community and surrounding areas.

  • Last year, the Chmaber held 32 Ribbon Cuttings for our members!
  • Our ribbon cuttings see a variety of attendees; from business owners, business professionals, elected officials, Chamber Board Members, and Chamber Volunteers. 


Who doesn’t like to brag?! All Lake Area Chamber Members have the opportunity to be featured in one of our “Business Spotlights”. You are encouraged to write a 150-word article about you and/or your business that introduces you and your services to our members. We encourage logos, at least one photo and the article. The article must be submitted by the twentieth of the month. Not a writer? Not a problem! Let our Chamber Marketing Coordinator assist you in the write-up of your business. Remember, we are here to help and here to promote!

  • Your business spotlight is visible to 1,400 individuals with interest in the Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and its member’s services through the newsletter
  • Your business spotlight is visible to thousands MORE on an ongoing basis through the newsletter archive on our website.


Our Chamber office is fortunate to be located at Historic Willmore Lodge. Located inside Willmore Lodge is our Visitors Center where we feature display racks for Chamber Members only to display their promotional pieces for thousands of annual visitors and residents of the lake.

  • The Lake Area Chamber welcomed over 11,000 visitors at our Visitors Center in 2016
  • 90% of visitors leave with some sort of brochure, map or member information.
  • The most common referrals to our visitors are for restaurants, lodging, and area attractions (boat rentals, hiking, swimming, shopping, golf).
  • Chamber Members also have the opportunity to advertise their upcoming special events in the visitor center.


Do you have a special promotion coming up? Take advantage of the opportunity to reach our subscribers list of 1,400 at a minimal cost of only $75.00 per blast. General advertising guidelines apply to broadcast email.

  • Community Event/Non-Profit e-blasts available with special pricing, contact the chamber for further details.
  • Reach 1,400 individuals via email!


Constantly updated, our website visitors find member businesses with ease at Additional enhancements such as hyperlinks or display advertising can be purchased by members to make their listing stand out from the crows! By taking advantage of the hyperlink capability to your website, you will be creating a “backlink” which in turn, from a search engine optimization perspective, demonstrates a sites popularity.

  • 43,506 visits to the online directory in 2016
  • Of those visits, 2,684 clicked on member hyperlinks which lead them directly to member’s website. 


Our monthly newsletter is filled with content of upcoming events, lake area trends and topics and the latest visitor statistics. We email our newsletter to a subscription base of over 1,400 which consists of members of the Chamber of Commerce, and additional individuals who have subscribed our website. The newsletter can also be found on our Lake Area Chamber Website. Chamber Members have the opportunity to advertise in our newsletter with a business card size ad for a smalll additional fee.

  • Sent monthly to 1,400 email addresses
Now that you know about a few of the ways the Lake Area Chamber can benefit your business at the Lake of the Ozarks, you're ready to join. A membership with the Lake Area Chamber can benefit your business in oh so many ways! We look forward to helping you and your business grow.

Contact Your Lake Area Chamber Of Commerce!

Lake Area Chamber Of Commerce                           Like us on Facebook
#1 Willmore Lane                                                      Follow us on Twitter
P.O. Box 1570                                               Connect with us on LinkedIn
Lake Ozark, MO 65049                                            


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