Quick Tips to Prepare For Your Next Networking Event

Do you attend many networking events throughout the year? Whether you frequent networking events or you're a first timer, it's important to prepare for your next networking event at the Lake of the Ozarks. Preparing can help you feel more at ease as you walk in AND will help set you up for success during the event. Since the Lake Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a number of networking events throughout the year, we want to help give you some tips to help prepare.

Plan to Arrive Early

When coming to a networking event, plan to arrive early or on time. This can help, especially if you get overwhelmed at the thought of walking into a room full of people. Being one of the first networkers at an event can help ease you into visiting with fellow chamber members as they come to the event.

Bring Your Business Card

Don't forget to bring along plenty of business cards as you head out to a networking event. Cards are a great way to give someone you've met something to take home with your information. They may not need your services right away but may stumble upon your card when they do need your information.

Dress Professionally

Dress to impress when heading to a networking event. While the Lake of the Ozarks has a casual atmosphere, you can still keep it professional. Business casual is generally acceptable for our networking socials!

Mentally Prepare

If you get nervous about networking, like many professionals, it's important to prepare for the event. Refresh information about your business and walk through the process of meeting new people in your head. Don't over-rehearse this because it may not seem genuine when you go to deliver your information to another networker.

What are you waiting for? Test out your new networking tips at our upcoming Joint Chamber Social. We're collaborating with the Camdenton Area Chamber and the Lake West Chamber for our upcoming social.

Come out to The Fish & Company next Tuesday (8/28) from 5:00 - 7:00 pm! Come by land or come by water for an evening of networking and end of summer fun! Celebrate the great summer we've had at the Lake of the Ozarks and network with your fellow chamber members. It's also a great way to meet members of the other local chambers!

Contact Your Lake Area Chamber Of Commerce!

Lake Area Chamber Of Commerce                           Like us on Facebook
#1 Willmore Lane                                                      Follow us on Twitter
P.O. Box 1570                                               Connect with us on LinkedIn
Lake Ozark, MO 65049                                             Follow us on Google+


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