Top 5 Reasons to Support Small Businesses

In honor of National Small Business Week, we want to dedicate this week's blog to support the backbone of our community - small businesses. The Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is made up of many small businesses. We strive to support local businesses and create a place for all to come together for the greater good of the community. Our Lake of the Ozarks chamber has included just a few of the most popular reasons why supporting small businesses at the Lake of the Ozarks is vital to the success of our area.

REASON #1: Help Boost the Local Economy

When you spend money with a local business, more of that money stays within the community. Small business owners tend to turn around and support other area businesses with that money. From office supplies to insurance to delivery services, a local business usually strives to use local resources for all facets of their business. Spending money locally can help to keep your money local. It has a ripple effect that can be felt throughout the community.

REASON #2: Get to Know the People Behind the Business

When you deal with a local business, you likely get to know the business owner. This is a unique benefit of supporting a local business. It's a great way to get to know the person behind the business and create a personal connection. Whether you are building your connections for a personal or business purpose, getting to know fellow business owners is a great way to do it!

REASON #3: More Personalized Customer Service

The business owner is typically the person you deal with if you have an issue with a small business. You can get straight to the source when working with small businesses. A business owner takes pride in their venture and usually hires employees who have a similar philosophy. This creates a great environment for everyone who walks in the door!

REASON #4: Help Support A Local Family

When you spend money with a small business you are helping pay those employees wages, as well as support the business owner's family. You are essentially helping pay for ballet lessons for someone's child, putting food on the table for a family, and help someone provide safe shelter for their kids. It's a great feeling to keep your money local and know you are making a positive impact on your community!

REASON #5: Encourage A Unique Community

A local business adds flavor to a community. A wide variety of small businesses help give a unique flair to your town. It's a great way to attract locals and tourists to your area, which in turn brings more business to your community. Encourage a creative environment when you support fellow local businesses.

Now that you've learned about the perks of supporting local businesses, you are ready to focus your efforts on your fellow small businesses. Keep your money local and give back to the community by supporting fellow Lake Area Chamber members! You can find a complete list of members on our website! It's a great resource when it comes to supporting one another when a particular service is needed. To celebrate Small Business Week, get out and support your fellow local businesses!

Contact Your Lake Area Chamber Of Commerce!

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P.O. Box 1570                                               Connect with us on LinkedIn
Lake Ozark, MO 65049                                             Follow us on Google+


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