Marketing Tips You'll Want to Implement in Your Small Business

Marketing a business is a key way to inform your potential customers about your product or service. Everything you do to represent your business is marketing. Anything that can give someone an impression of you or your brand reflects upon your business. Here at the Lake Area Chamber, we work hard to help our member businesses grow. Marketing is a vital strategy to grow a business. Marketing can be very expensive but it can have an effective return on investment, when it's used correctly. Check out a few marketing tips you'll want to start implementing in your business today!

Know the Ideal Target Market

You have an ideal client, right? Someone who is your best customer and a great referral source for your venture. Think about this customer and what their habits are. This information can help you best reach your target market.

Use the Right Marketing Platforms (or marketing mix)

An unfocused message can get lost in the mass of marketing messages that are floating around. Marketing is EVERYWHERE! Ensure your message is in the right places, on the right platforms in order to reach your ideal market. When possible, it's best to do a mix of marketing platforms to help maximize your targeted reach.

Brand Your Efforts

Ensure your marketing messages are complete with your brand. This can help reinforce your brand and start to help people recognize your marketing efforts more and more. The more they see it, the more they will recognize it, the more they will remember it!

Keep a Consistent Message

Consistency is key to marketing. This can help ensure your message is clear and not confusing, there are are too many different messages out there. Consistent wording and consistent branding can help your brand become more established and noticeable.

Utilize Our Chamber Marketing Opportunities!

Our Chamber office is fortunate to be located at Historic Willmore Lodge. Located inside Willmore Lodge is our Visitors Center where we feature display racks for Chamber Members only to display their promotional pieces for thousands of annual visitors and residents of the lake. Chamber Members also have the opportunity to advertise their upcoming special events in the visitor center.

Do you have a special promotion coming up? Take advantage of the opportunity to reach our subscribers list of 1,400 at a minimal cost of only $75.00 per blast. General advertising guidelines apply to broadcast email.

Our monthly newsletter is filled with content of upcoming events, lake area trends and topics and the latest visitor statistics. We email our newsletter to a subscription base of over 1,400 which consists of members of the Chamber of Commerce, and additional individuals who have subscribed our website. The newsletter can also be found on our Lake Area Chamber Website. Chamber Members have the opportunity to advertise in our newsletter with a business card size ad for a small additional fee.

As a member of the Lake Area Chamber, there are many opportunities to get your message in front of potential customers. Whether you send out an e-blast to our email list, provide marketing materials for our brocure rack at Willmore Lodge, or display a member logo on your door, the Lake Area Chamber of Commerce can help your business grow at the Lake of the Ozarks! To learn other unique benefits of a membership, visit our website or give our office a call. We look forward to showcasing your business and helping to improve your brand awareness in our area!

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P.O. Box 1570                                               Connect with us on LinkedIn


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